Monday, April 30, 2012

Gone fishin'

I am currently backpacking across Australia. Updates will be scarce.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New releases

A spate of new releases today.

The cognitive bias modification apps sport a new stimulus/response paradigm that more closely matches published studies, and is a little more interesting to play as well. The GoUpToHer app has been also been upgraded with much more content.

In addition, we have a new contamination phobia attention bias modification app! Contamination phobia is an oversensitivity to disgust that is related to obsessive compulsive disorder. Disgust is a key component in the social anxiety apps as well.

This may be the last update for awhile - I'm going traveling internationally for some months without a computer, which will hopefully be a compelling mode of life if at least temporarily.